Word is spreading...
It's only been a couple of days since the word "HouseBLING!" was coined. For that I think you need to go to the Telegraph website here. Believe me, it's there somewhere. And as you know in Blogland it doesn't take long to spread this kind of stuff around. So let's see it. Bring it on! (Note to reader, this movie is on in the background as I type) Check out these guys - dedicated houseblingers making their local newspaper.
Any more for any more???
That word focused a couple of us in Essex (the epicentre of UK housebling) on a new possibility – to provide houseblingers with the opportunity to submit pictures of their bling-stallations to an online database. So, just seven days after seeing that word pop up on the web, it's now available at
Okay, it still needs some work, but we're getting there.
Jake - good work and good initiative - the world needs captains, and you clearly fit the bill. Bling on MacDuff!
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