Sunday, December 12, 2004

How much of an amateur can the UK be?

Hold it there folks! There are people all over the US doing much better than us at celebrating Christmas. You can see it in the pride they take in their houses. Thing is, they've gone a step further and arranged a conference to share ideas on how best to handle their houseBLING! There's also a selection of last year's efforts up there. Jesus, can those kids celebrate!

24,000 lights and counting. Full credit for the pic here


At 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christmas sucks. What you are seeing is US house owners using up 4-5 times what they are entitled to in decorations also. Not like the 'Gilp

At 7:14 pm, Blogger ginger_jesus said...

Dude, this is Cool with a capital K! I'm pretty sure the 'Gilp is getting like this now they've got used to having electricity piped directly to their houses. Anyhew, how can Christmas suck? I'm getting a new skateboard!


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