Thursday, December 16, 2004

Local Yokels

At last some local activity. No pictures here unfortunately, but the story's great. Imagine the deputy mayor coming to see you switch on the lights in your house.

And how about this for Christmassy - count down all year round!

And now...WOW!

All this and more at the hub of the Christmas Lights webring. 54 like minded, devotees! Good work fellahs!
Referring to a previous post I made about the Cotswolds, you should be aware that the area is not all Scrooge McDuck and humbug. Just down the road, you'll find this little beauty.

Moving on to exotic locations, they do things differently in Iceland. At this time of the year there's no light in the sky, so they probably use these as a way of guiding themselves home from the fishing grounds or something. I actually quite like the style here, pleasantly understated, with an real air of sophistication, and no effort to keep up with the Joneses.

You see, the more I find out about these folks, the more I like them. They're not hurting anyone, and even the folks that think the style is garish have got to admit to themselves they make them a wee bit happier about life, even if it is because it fuels their superiority complex. Take these guys for example. Their story gives a some insight to the motivation these people have, and of course the good heart at the middle of it all.

Keep it Chrismassy!


At 11:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fluoro-reindeer and it's garden are magnificent! Tasteful overstatement maybe?

At 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm simply thrilled with the diversity of Christmas materilas out there. What is that reindeer made out of? Is it linen? Is it calico? It kind of looks like a 100-year old paper lantern that's never been dusted. Surely a work of some artistic giant?


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