Thursday, December 23, 2004

Christmas lights story of the year

I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be at the in-laws. But I found this and couldn't go until I'd shared it. I think it has got to be the Christmas story of the year. It's the standoff in Havana between the Cuban authorities and the US interest section.

To sum it all up, the Americans put up some HouseBling! in a fenced off area of Havana, along with a big number 75 representing the political activists serving long term sentences.

Here's the BBC's version of events

Remember, this is not a diplomatic mission, just what's known as the "US Interests Section". The Cubans asked the Americans to take down the dsiplays and when they refused, the Cubans put up giant posters opposite the blingstallation depicting pictures of the Abu Ghraib prisoners alongside red swastikas. Colin Powell has apparently termed the Cuban reaction as "unwise". Now apparently the Cuban students are involved adding gigantic caricatures of Bush and his chief diplomat, James Cason

It's the Christmas equivalent of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Without the threat of mutually assured destruction, obviously. Still it puts the Cotswold Cowards into perspective, don't you think?

And that bring me to the more exotic locations that I was asking for last week. Here are some late entrants into that category.

Zocalo Square, Mexico City


Moenchengladbach, Germany

Is that a real dog, do you think? This last one, found by Houseblingers on the China Daily site.

Right, better get off to the in-laws and beat the Christmas traffic.



At 12:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skempy, I'm worried about your sanity. Is this site the death knoll for Plumbers' Mate?

I wish I'd kept you a local paper cutting from last year, because it had me in stitches at the time. The front page headline was about a pop star switching on Christmas lights, which I assumed was someone semi-famous switching on the town centre lights. The page 5 reality was even better - it was pop stars (pop idols?) reject Aaron Bailey, switching on the lights at 43 Houghton Avenue - yes, one individual house. I'm not sure what that says about him or them, or indeed where I live, but it cheered me up.

Anyway, get yourself out to North Shields - there is some far more tasteless stuff than you've published so far, and I fear that it may not get the exposure it deserves, as I ain't got a digital camera.

Have fun at the in-laws.
Cheers, J.P.

At 7:20 pm, Blogger ginger_jesus said...

Alreet big fellah? Plumber's Mate died when I got a new job I actually liked. No concerns for my sanity, but I'll tell you - this is really wierd. The site's been on the Gaurdian's blog watch (after only two weeks - Steve didn't get his on for two months, heheh) and there's people all over the place mentioning it in their own blogs. It's really quite bizarre, but I like it. Anyway, the season's almost over now so gonna have to focus on garden gnomes and fountains and stuff for the rest of the year to return bigger and brighter next year. I'll need scouts for the early houseblinger award. I saw someone putting his out in Byker the end of the third week in November, but I'll be prepared for the early risers next year. Anyhoo, back noo, but won't be at the footie cos Paul's got the ticket for tonight and New Year's day.



At 10:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've got another housebling-rage story for you from the local ads rag freebie paper - it involves singing santas, dancing snowmen, cable-slicing and gutted charvas.

But Skemps, I have more proof of impending insanity! You've organised the stag for a (Cup allowing) match-free weekend, but the wedding is on the day that Nobby comes back to Toon - it'll break his little heart not see us all.....

At 10:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Happy New Year! J.P.

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At 1:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a work from home free uk site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'Christmas lights story of the year' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.


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