Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The truth is out there

I've had some suspicions of this for a wee while now, but there is a great debate raging out there as to what kind of lights a self-respecting houseblinger should choose. Turns out there are two main schools of thought.

White lights

Coloured lights

In the white camp we have

Michael Kelly

In the coloured camp we have


Apparently there's a class issue involved here. All very interesting stuff, I'm sure you'll agree.

I've had a similar discussion with my girlfriend when we bought our first Christmas tree together this year. When we moved in together, she brought the Christmas decorations, natch, and she had made the considered decision to only install white lights on the tree. I didn't think anything of this, thought it was nice and tastefully done (well you'd expect that cos she teaches art for a living). Anyway, we picked up a tree this year that was bigger than any that she'd had before, and she didn't have enough lights to cover it. So we had to go and buy more. After trailing round a number of shops we settled on some low energy white LED lights from a local hardware store. Got to save the planet, likes. However, when we got them home and switched them on to compare they had a real blue-y tinge to them. So that was the end of them. They're now gracing the banister of the hallway in our house, and the tree is suffering without this year.

I think it still looks good, mind.

And that's about it for now, but before I go, a couple of things you really got to see! Some more from Austin, Texas and their outstanding array of superbly documented blingstallations.

Off one of the links I found this Santa Potato Head. Don't know why it works, it just does.

And now you can buy HouseBLING! the movie!!!

Well not exactly, but MT Silvia has made a movie about a street called Picardy Drive in Oakland, California on the night that they all put out the HouseBLING! Sounds like a truly gripping 56 and a half minutes. If anyone wants to buy me a Christmas present, you can pick it up here.

That's me off the scope until after the Big Day. I hope Santa's good to you all.



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